In 1935, Forest Lawn Missionary Church had its unpretentious beginning in a log cabin. The original name was Jasper Hill Baptist Church, which was located at 5101 Weaver Road, under the pastorate of Reverend W. Lewis.
Reverend Lewis continued to serve until the doors of the church were closed.
The spirit of God moved in Reverend R. B. Evans. In March of 1936, the lock was removed from the old log cabin and a crude but secure door was opened. Eleven men and women marched in and bowed their heads to thank God for his blessing and asked for His guidance. In this meeting, decisions were made to rename the church Forest Lawn Missionary Baptist Church. Under the leadership of Reverend R. B. Evans many accepted Christ and united with the church. As a result of growth in membership, a wooden building was erected in 1940. Having served the church and community for ten years, the Lord called Reverend Evans from labor to reward in 1946.
In 1947, Reverend H. Johnson, an associate minister, was called to serve as Pastor. Reverend Johnson picked up the mantle as Elijah did and started his march in the making of history here at Forest Lawn Missionary Baptist Church. Many members united with the church, the membership rapidly grew and soon outgrew the wooden structure.
On January 8, 1957, after many fervent prayers and much supplication, the spirit of God moved in the members to call a Pastor. A motion was made by Sister Janie Thomas and seconded by Sister Katy Johnson that Reverend M. L. Bryant be notified, and subsequently called as pastor. He accepted the call and came preaching the Word of God. On September 15, 1992, after 35 years of dedicated service and outstanding leadership. Reverend Bryant retired as Pastor of Forest Lawn Missionary Baptist Church.
On June 29, 1993, Reverend R.C. Bell was called as Pastor of Forest Lawn Missionary Baptist Church. We praise God for the blessings and accomplishments made during the past 20 years under Pastor Bell’s leadership. Many souls have been added to the Kingdom of God. May God’s blessings continue to flow throughout Forest Lawn as we work to glorify Him!
Pastor Bell served the Forest Lawn and Trinity Gardens community for 29 years until God called him home on April 11, 2023.