Greetings my Beloved Brothers and Sisters
On Behalf of myself, the official staff and the entire Forest Lawn Family, we would like to welcome you to our website.
We are excited about the directions God is leading us and we believe great things are in store for all.
Our main priority and focus is teaching and preaching the Word of God and equipping the saints with valuable tools that is necessary for daily living. Also, reaching out to those in the community to help them find salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Finally I trust this site will be useful in helping you to know us better.

Mission Statement
Our God-given duty is to create an atmosphere of spiritual growth through a bible-based ministry that will develop community outreach while nurturing the need for commitment, involvement and true church unity.

Church History
In 1935, Forest Lawn Missionary Church had its unpretentious beginning in a log cabin. The original name was Jasper Hill Baptist Church, which was located at 5101 Weaver Road, under the pastorate of Reverend W. Lewis. Reverend Lewis continued to serve until the doors of the church were closed. Read More